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Tag: algorithm

Build tree from edge pairs and root

I’m trying to write a program that takes an array of edge pairs and turns it into a tree. I’m given a root. In this example, the root is 2. The only constraint is, each node can max have 2 children. Sample input: Expected output: Would look something like this: This is my attempt so far: Feel like this should

how to generate spiral matrix in javascript?

I am trying to generate sprial matrix in javascript. question Given an integer A, generate a square matrix filled with elements from 1 to A^2 in spiral order. input : 3 when input is 4 my approach is to create 2d array with 0 value and after that they will fill values. Answer You could take loops for each edges

Improve speed of my binary search algorithm

I have written a binary search algorithm in JavaScript: I wanted to ask if I can improve this algorithm to search faster or if some mistake is made here? EDIT: thank you guys for your help, this solution should work correctly now: Answer You are taking values as indices. If you take greater values than indices, you see your codes

Maximum Length of Repeated Subarray (leetcode)

I’m looking at this leetcode question, and am having an issue completing the naive approach. I was able to come to an optimal solution here. But I’m not sure what’s wrong with my naive attempt. The question is as follows: Given two integer arrays A and B, return the maximum length of an subarray that appears in both arrays. Example:

Find difference between two strings in JavaScript

I need to find difference between two strings. The expected output is to find the extra n and log it to the console. Is there any way to do this in JavaScript? Answer Another option, for more sophisticated difference checking, is to make use of the PatienceDiff algorithm. I ported this algorithm to Javascript at… …which although the algorithm
