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Tag: ajax

Best way to chain jquery ajax calls which pass information

I am making several asynchronous ajax calls which must be executed in a specific order and which must pass information to each other. Here is a MWE of my current approach. Even with three API calls it is a bit of a nightmare. With 5 it’s impossible to line up the error workflow or to move functions around (also I

Is there other way to create pdf in php?

Hello I’ve got a problem with my page, cuz I want to generate PDF file async with jquery, command: In my controller it looks somethink like this And that doesn’t work, But if I type in URL /pl/home/generujPDF it just work fine. I check how it looks in “Network” tab in browser and I have 2 other types of this

Making calculator using Ajax with jQuery validator plugin but Ajax conduct submission before the validation

I’m making calculator using Ajax with validator plugin I could make calculator work but cannot implement validator to this… there are 2 issues. Since my HTML code’s button type is ‘button’ validation plugin doesn’t work. if I change this to ‘submit’ it redirect to the other page. Ajax conduct the answer before the validation! I tried beforeSubmit and submitHandler…..maybe I

Is it safe to make a POST request with JSON data using ajax?

I’m working on web application where I need to send some data using ajax with post method. So I have two choices to send data whether in JSON format or query prams. I’m confused which should I use? and is it safe to send data in JSON format? Answer As @lucasreta mentioned, if you use HTTPS, it doesn’t really matter

Asynchronous loading of select list options

I’m retrieving information on Municipality names, ZipCodes, etc. from a public service provider (DAWA) using AJAX. At first I had an issue retriving the data until I made the transfer asyncronous, thus ajaxGetMunicipalitiesFromDAWA is an asyncronous function. I have checked ajaxGetMunicipalitiesFromDAWA and it loads data correctly. The I try to update my selectlist using the data, but it seems the
