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Tag: ajax

Create another data for single data in array

I’m doing a matchmaking system where 2 players with the same level will be matched (Joined in 1 array). My target is how can I make the player who has no match to have a 2nd data in array? The example I provided is when a player who doesn’t have a match, there should be another data that produces “nm”

how to set default value in django template

i’m trying to set default value to an input field in django template , i have two models tables my urls i tried to call back title using ajax but it doesnt work my template but still doesnt work ! is there something i did wrong ? im trying to set booking_obj.title as default value for title input

Unable to post data on Jquery ajax

My code to post data to server is like this on alert I am getting the data I want to post to server, But when I inspect the call on Chrome,I can see that data is not getting posted (screenshot added below). What can be the reason for this behavior? Answer jQuery does not expect you to pass an array

Cloudflare workers CORS ignored

I created a SendGrid form using CF Workers and set (for testing) Access-Control-Allow-Origin”, ‘*’ but it’s being ignored on the frontend: Do I need to also add it to the AXIOS POST request? Here’s code from my workers file: And here’s the AXIOS request: It all works fine using Insomnia and the headers are visible there: Answer You’ve correctly set
