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Server-side redirect without calling GET twice

I’m trying to implement what is basically a multi-step form: submit page 1 with a POST request, then have the user be redirected to page 2 of the form. This ends up making two GET requests (one fetch …

Angular router with params

I created a router with a parent route that contains an id and child routes. The problem is that when I want to navigate under my child routes with the tabs, I get an error : Error: Cannot match any routes. URL Segment: ‘tabs/user/1/overview’. Error: Cannot match any routes. URL Segment: ‘tabs/user/1/overview’. User router : Overview routing : export class

‘state’ is not defined no-undef

I use a tutorial to learn React and I got stuck pretty quickly. In the tutorial they use this code: And everything works great. But in my case, I get this error: srccomponentscounter.jsx Line 4:3: ‘state’ is not defined no-undef Search for the keywords to learn more about each error. After trying everything, I think it’s because of the react

WebCrypto JS SHA256 HMAC Mismatch

I have two scripts that generate a SHA256 HMAC, with a plaintext message and Base64 encoded key. One is written in PHP and the other in JavaScript. The PHP script returns the correct HMAC, but for some reason the JS version does not. What is causing this? Here are the code samples, with a redacted (still similar in nature) key.
