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How you can have a dynamic operation in vue

Hello I have a method that modifies a state of vuex, the main function of the method is to add or subtract to a state of vuex. setStep(state, type) { state.currentStep++; } But I need to pass the …

null reference exception while passing event handler in react

i want to send message while typing text by using websocket. but have websocket reference error while typing text. i think ShareTextComponent onInputEvent function parameter is not exeucte in another location. so websocket property can’t reference in this field but i don’t know how can i fix it. and i didn’t use any state management library such as redux and

Order childs of array

I have this array with parents and their children: const array = [ { ‘title’:’America’, ‘type’: 1 }, { ‘title’:’Brasil’, ‘type’: 0 }, { ‘…
