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api endpoint progress loading

How do create a progress loader that is based on the uploadFile method/service , for example on the method below it should show keep loading unless the uploadFile is success , what is needed to and to be considered? should a finalize(() be added ? Thanks. #html code #tscode Answer You can have a flag called uploadInProgress and set that

await operator is being skipped

Could you please help me with an issue I am facing? I have attached my code below, after button click, it catches an error (if there is) but skips Which means it just jumps to catch (e). I need it to reload my grid first. Thank you for any advise. Answer If it skips over your code like that, chances

added styling to my table and it stopped working

I have made an order form in java and html css everything was going well until I decided to put some styling in my code and now it doesn’t reset post it basically does nothing its probably something small but I cant find it even when I use the javascript console. It needs to show the amount and I need

TypeError: Cannot read property ‘navigator’ of undefined

My unit test case started failing when I started running the unit test in mocha from karma, Earlier we were using karma and –browser to run the test case but it was running fine, Package.json test file – It fails for navigator here, TypeError: Cannot read property ‘navigator’ of undefined ReferenceError: navigator is not defined Answer Accessing global.window.navigator is an
