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Why can I access TypeScript private members when I shouldn’t be able to?

I’m looking at implementation of private members in TypeScript, and I find it a little confusing. Intellisense doesn’t allow to access private member, but in pure JavaScript, it’s all there. This makes me think that TS doesn’t implement private members correctly. Any thoughts? Answer Just as with the type checking, the privacy of members are only enforced within the compiler.

How to convert uint8 Array to base64 Encoded String?

I got a webSocket comunication, I recieve base64 encoded string, convert it to uint8 and work on it, but now I need to send back, I got the uint8 array, and need to convert it to base64 string, so I can send it. How can I make this convertion? Answer All solutions already proposed have severe problems. Some solutions fail

Insert Links into Google Charts api data?

I have been playing around with Google charts quite a bit over in the google charts play ground here: Link The code I have been playing with is this: and that gives me a nice chart that looks like this: I am trying to have this chart fit the needs of my website, and to do this, I need to

Jquery -> vanilla javascript?

I am programmer who learning jQuery javascript but never really grasped vanilla javascript (i know I am a naughty programmer). My question is how would I go about replicating this functionality in vanilla JS? Answer This site might help ! But here’s a step by step conversion:

Problems with window.postMessage on Chrome

I have been stuck on this for hours. I have a.html on that contains an iframe with src to b.html on a.html has some JS code to postMessage to the iframe. The code to postMessage is simple: But this way, Chrome throws an error: I have also tried: But NO LUCK! This is the ONLY WAY it works:

Using AppMobi and Events

I am new to the new AppMobi world, so can you please help me. I have created an image object and have drawn it to the stage. My problem is that I want to add an event to object. I have set the image using: And I have drawn it to stage: Now I want to add an event to
