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D3.js Auto font-sizing based on nodes individual radius/diameter

How can I have D3.js automatically adjust font-size for each node based on their individual radius/diameter? I use a style that allows automatic increase insize ; * 10 + “px”; }) This effect removes the text from the smaller nodes. I also have a zoom function that I can increase a dot that originally cover 12 px to cover my

Javascript date to sql date object

I’m trying to write a query that takes a Javascript date object and then puts it in an object type that is recognized by both SQL Server and Oracle database types. The issue is that I’m using webservices. So it has to be a string, not an actual passed parameter. Here’s what I mean: Except firstDayOfMonth and lastDayOfMonth are surrounded

Sublime Text, On Object Dot Show Intellisense

I just installed TernJS and I can get intellisense by entering ctrl+space. However, I want to get intellisense, autocomplete, options when I enter a dot after an object in JavaScript. I tried the following without luck “auto_complete_selector”: “source, text”, I tried the suggestions in Sublime Text 2 auto completion popup does not work properly without luck Any suggestions? Answer Go

Add Active Navigation Class Based on URL

I’m trying to add an active class (i.e. class=”active”) to the appropriate menu list item based upon the page it is on once the page loads. Below is my menu as it stands right now. I’ve tried every snippet of code I could find in this regard and nothing works. So, can someone please explain simply where and how to

Check how many there are in a with javascript

Following my code: HTML: JS: Why the in the console there are the number 0 instead of 2? Answer Give – document.getElementById(“ul_o”).getElementsByTagName(“li”).length To have a wider answer that ensures the dom is ready for being accessed and updated by JS, we can make use of the onreadystatechange event something like in html5 – Fiddle

Select2() is not a function

So i have downloaded select2 i have “installed it” by putting it into my folder and then loaded it on my site when i check the console (where i can see all of the scripts being loaded) i can see the file select2.js I went to their documentation and copied it and added $(“#e9”).select2(); However when i load the page

Use Javascript to create dynamic input id

I want to use javascript to create <input/> tags with a dynamic id (name attribute will be the same) depending on the order in which they appear. I have the first <input/> tag in plain html and a div that should append a new <input/> with an incremented id when clicked: Now, the javascript needs to count the amount of

Prevent typing non-numeric in input type number

Using <input type=number> will cause this.value inside of an event listener to return an empty string if the input is not a valid number. You can see an example of this at However, the invalid characters are still displayed in the input. Is there any way to get the value that is actually displayed, including the invalid characters, from

Disable ALT+F4, yes I know it isn’t recommended

I need a JavaScript script that would disable users from closing using ALT+F4. I have looked everywhere but it just everyone just says it isn’t advised. May not even be possible, if it isn’t I will just have to detect when the user does quit out this way and log it in a database. Here is my current script, it
