please a error when I try to reload my webview from a button : E/flutter (18150): [ERROR:flutter/lib/ui/] Unhandled Exception: Null check operator used on a null value
RaisedButton( padding: const EdgeInsets.symmetric(vertical: 10,horizontal: 30), onPressed: () async { controller.reload(); },
this is my WebView
WebView( initialUrl: "", javascriptMode: JavascriptMode.unrestricted, onWebViewCreated: (controller){ this.controller=controller; }, onPageFinished: (String url) { controller .evaluateJavascript("javascript:(function() { " + "var head = document.getElementsByClassName('main-header-bar-wrap')[0];" + " = ' position: sticky;position: -webkit-sticky; top : 0 ';" + "var footer = document.getElementsByTagName('footer')[0];" + "footer.parentNode.removeChild(footer);" + "})()") .then((value) => debugPrint('Page finished loading Javascript')); }, onWebResourceError: (error) => setState(() { controller.loadUrl("about:blank"); isError = true; }), gestureNavigationEnabled: true, ),
enter code hereUse the fallback operator to set a default value for null values before using the variable.
String? str; //nullable value str ??= "Fallback Value"; print(str); //Output: Fallback Value
Here, “str” is null, and we set the fallback operator with fallback value in case of “str” is null.