I try to configure sort column using the rout.ts file of my entity.
In the “data” tag I put defaultSort: ['firstCol,desc','secondCol,asc'],
but I gave an error.
Then I put all in a single String defaultSort: 'firstCol,desc,secondCol,asc',
but the secondCol is not considered the the query sent to microservice
Then I put all in a single String using a char separator like “;” 'firstCol,desc;secondCol,asc'
but nothing! The secondCol is not considered.
I try to debug and see the ng-jhipster.js?064b file and see:
parsePredicate(sort) {
return sort.split(',')[0].split('%2C')[0];
It seems the only first parameter is passed (as I see effectively). Is there any other way to pass one other sort column (pass 2 columns in the same time).
I see Spring data rest accept more column simply append another sort column in the request: ?sort=name,asc&sort=numberOfHands,desc
How can send this in jhipster???
Solved myself putting the sort column not in defaultSort of “data” tag, but specify the sort predicate in sort method if .component.ts