I try to bind a dropdownlist in knockout with MVC 4. Here is my code:
public JsonResult GetUserTypes() { using (QuestApplicationEntities db = new QuestApplicationEntities()) { var usertypes = (from usertype in db.UserTypes select new { usertype.Id, usertype.Name }).ToArray(); return Json(usertypes, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } }
var Register = { Name: ko.observable("Ragesh"), Email: ko.observable().extend({ email: true }), Password: ko.observable(), UserTypes: ko.observableArray([]), UserType: ko.observable(), SaveRegistration: function () { //alert('saved'); $.ajax({ url: '/Home/RegisterUser', type: 'post', datatype: 'json', data: ko.toJSON(this), contentType: 'application/json', success: function () { alert('saved'); } }); } }; $.ajax({ url: '/Home/GetUserTypes', type: 'post', datatype: 'json', data: ko.toJSON(this), contentType: 'application/json', success: function () { ko.mapping.fromJS(data,Register.UserTypes); } }); ko.applyBindings(Register);
<h4>Register</h4> <fieldset> <legend>New User Registration</legend> <div class="editor-label"> Name </div> <div class="editor-field"> <input data-bind="value:Name" /> </div> <div class="editor-label"> Email </div> <div class="editor-field"> <input data-bind="value:Email" /> </div> <div class="editor-label"> User Type </div> <div class="editor-field"> <select data-bind="options: UserTypes, value: UserType, optionsCaption: 'Select User Type...'"> </select> </div> <p> <button type="button" data-bind="click:SaveRegistration">Register</button> </p> </fieldset> <script src="~/Scripts/knockout-2.2.1.js"></script> <script src="~/Scripts/knockout.validation.js"></script> <script src="~/Scripts/App/Register.js"></script>
But the GetUserTypes action is not fired.
And there is another error show in the Firebug.
Your action GetUserTypes
doesn’t expected any parameters, but you pass viewModel object:
.... $.ajax({ url: '/Home/GetUserTypes', type: 'post', datatype: 'json', data: ko.toJSON(this), ...
Try to remove this property from ajax call.
About error in FireBug, just include jQuery script in your page.