I would like to do a web-scraping using Puppeteer. It would be to obtain data from an external URL when the user clicks a button within my application. My application would have to visit an external URL, fill out a form, click on a button, get the data returned and display it to the user within my application. It is an internal project, at first, a small project.
I wrote a test code to use Puppeteer using the website: https://try-puppeteer.appspot.com/
Worked perfectly. Great!
However, I was unable to get my code to run on my domain with shared hosting on Locaweb. It seems to me that I depend on changes on the server to be able to run Puppeteer, is that right?
Is there a free place where I can host my code and run with Puppeteer like I did at https://try-puppeteer.appspot.com/? If you don’t have a free option to suggest, could you suggest a low cost option that works?
Thank you!
- You would need to create a simple expressjs api.
- Host the api somewhere (there are thousands of vps and cloud hosting providers like digitalocean/linode etc.)
- Access that rest api using frontend (typically an ajax call)
There is indeed some free services, but they would be a bit more complex. You would need to learn about some serverless functions. Try searching for,
- AWS lambda
- Netlify functions
- Firebase functions
- Google cloud functions
- Google cloud run.