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How to convert a value fetched from json file to a list in javascript

I have a string with comma separated values in json file and want to convert it to a list to iterate through for loop and click on each element.Please help me on this !

testdata.json :

{"optionsList":"China - English,France - English,South Korea - English,Japan - English,Brazil - English"}


var optionsLocator="//a[normalize-space()='%d']";

this.verifyOptionsList=async function(){
        let options = await getTestData(testData, "optionsList");
        var listOfOptions=JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(options));"options list : ", listOfOptions);
        for (let i = 0; i < listOfOptions.length; i++) {
            var replaceOption = optionsLocator.replace("%d", listOfOptions[i]);
  "Search Option :",replaceOption);
            var optionLoc = element(by.xpath(replaceOption));
            await clickElement(optionLoc);

output :

options list :  China - English,France - English,South Korea - English,Japan - English,Brazil - English

Search Option : '//a[normalize-space()='C']'



I think the easiest way is to do it by parts, you can first remove the - using the split function, then it will result into an array like:

  "English,South Korea",

then iterating over each one of the strings and using split you will be able to separate the strings that has ,. resulting in something like:

    "South Korea"

then you can flat this array using the function flat of the arrays.

here you ahve a working sample:

const response = {
  "optionsList": "China - English,France - English,South Korea - English,Japan - English,Brazil - English"

const options = response.optionsList

const splitByDash = options.split(' - ');
const splitByComa = => str.split(","))
const result = splitByComa.flat();
