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Google Sheets, Import data from multiple sources into one, and create new tables

The source data that i want to import, its on a different multiple worksheets This image contains all the data that i want to send to the main table, Two of the tables are filled in manually, i want to do the third one using a script entirely

I’ve already figured out how to write data from one sheet to another using this code:

function getdata() {
  var files = DriveApp.getFolderById("folder id").getFiles()
    while (files.hasNext()) {
      var file =;
      var shoot = SpreadsheetApp.openById(file.getId());
      var sourcesheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheetByName("Sheet name");;
      var sourcerange = sourcesheet.getRange('A:A');
      var sourcevalues = sourcerange.getValues();
    var destsheet = shoot.getSheetByName('Sheet name'); 
    var destrange = destsheet.getRange('B:B'); 

Issue is with this is that it doesn’t create new rows for new data, and it doesnt take into account when a new sheet is created. I’m a lil confused, im new to javascript and im just the IT guy, but im willing to learn!





Looks like you want to use the copyTo() method of the Range class.

More Information:

As per the documentation:


Copies the data from a range of cells to another range of cells. Both the values and formatting are copied.

// The code below copies the first 5 columns over to the 6th column.
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var rangeToCopy = sheet.getRange(1, 1, sheet.getMaxRows(), 5);
rangeToCopy.copyTo(sheet.getRange(1, 6));

Parameters | Name | Type | Description | |——|——|————-| |destination | Range | A destination range to copy to; only the top-left cell position is relevant.| Authorization

Scripts that use this method require authorization with one or more of the following scopes:


Working Example:

Using a script such as the following:

function myFunction() {

You can copy data from one range to another while preserving properties such as text decoration:

enter image description here

