I am trying to bind my form’s fields with my vuex store in Nuxt JS. It works fine with normal text fields with get()
in computed
. But having trouble in customizing getting and setting manually. I am trying to push objects to an array in a specific format from my template to store and also keep the binding among them. Here is my code:
<template> <div class="container setting-form-area-business"> <b-form-group v-for="(input, index) in phoneNumbers" :key="`phoneInput-${index}`"> <label>Mobile Number {{index+1}}*</label> <b-input-group> <b-form-input v-model="input.phone" @input="updateStore" class="custom-form-input-business"> </b-form-input> <b-input-group-append v-show="phoneNumbers.length > 1"> <b-button class="mobile-number-remove-btn" @click="removeField(index, phoneNumbers)"></b-button> </b-input-group-append> </b-input-group> </b-form-group> <b-form-group> <b-button class="jh-btn2" @click="addField">Add More Mobile Number</b-button> </b-form-group> </div> </template> <script> export default { props: [ 'visited' ], data() { return { phoneNumbers: this.$store.state.business.formvalue.mobileNumber.length ? this.$store.state.business.formvalue .mobileNumber : [{ phone: "" }], } }, computed: { mobilenumbers() { return this.$store.state.business.formvalue.mobileNumber }, }, methods: { addField() { this.phoneNumbers.push({ value: "" }); }, removeField(index, fieldType) { fieldType.splice(index, 1); console.log('fieldType', fieldType); this.emitErrorStatus(); }, updateStore() { this.$store.commit('business/setformmobileNumber', { mobileNumber: this.phoneNumbers }) } }, } </script>
this was working fine when I was in vue, but coming to nuxt, it is giving me error
[vuex] do not mutate vuex store state outside mutation handlers.
As told by the error, you should not mutate the state. There are several ways to handle this one. A quick search here could give you a lot of answers.
This is mine (using Lodash’s cloneDeep
): https://stackoverflow.com/a/66262659/8816585