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Accessing Redux Store from routes set up via React Router

I would like to make use of react-router’s onEnter handler in order to prompt users to authenticate when entering a restricted route.

So far my routes.js file looks something like this:


Ideally, I’d like my requireAuth function to be a redux action that has access to the store and current state, that works like this: store.dispatch(requireAuth()).

Unfortunately I don’t have access to the store in this file. I don’t think I can use really use connect in this case to access the relevant actions that I want. I also can’t just import store from the file where the store is created, as this is undefined when the app first loads.



The easiest way to accomplish this is to pass your store to a function that returns your routes (rather than return your routes directly). This way you can access the store in onEnter and other react router methods.

So for your routes:


Then update your main component to call the getRoutes function, passing in the store:


As for dispatching an action from requireAuth, you could write your function like this:


Hope this helps.
