I’m generating a .ics calendar entry from JS, next I open it using a data-URI:
window.open("data:text/calendar;charset=utf8," + escape(icsMSG));
Where “icsMSG” is the dynamically generated .ics file. Here’s a sample output from console.log:
BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:-//www.jungledragon.com//NONSGML v1.0//EN BEGIN:VEVENT UID:info@jungledragon.com DTSTAMP:20140321T153010Z ATTENDEE;CN=My Self ;RSVP=FALSE CATEGORIES:APPOINTMENT DTSTART:20140321T153010Z DTEND: LOCATION:5384 DA Heesch, The Netherlands SUMMARY:JungleDragon Daylight Event DESCRIPTION:Hey you! n n At this time in your calendar light conditions are great for the location you selected:n nhttp://www.ignore.org/apps/jd3/daylight#date=1392996610000&lat=51.73171&long=5.527827000000002nnHappy shooting, and be sure to share your wildlife photos back to http://www.jungledragon.comnCheers,nThe JungleDragon Team END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR
The raw output will be have n chars at the end of each line, as per the specification.
The above sample works fine when I run it from Chrome or Firefox, in both case it will open up my default Calendar application (Outlook 2013). In IE(11) and Opera, instead something weird happens. A new tab opens that has the above string as the URL, with all special chars URL-escaped. Like so:
Next, the new tab is blank and nothing happens. I’m not sure whether there is a syntax mistake in my .ics, but given that it works for Chrome and Firefox, I don’t believe so.
Any thoughts?
Edit, extra info: If I manually open a downloaded .ics file with the exact same content, it does work also in IE and Opera. Something must be wrong with the way I open it using window.open?
Answering my own question:
The problem was not in the .ics output itself, rather it was in IE and Opera not treating the js-generated output as a file to download. To enforce such a download, is only possible from a server-side script.
I ended up recoding my logic to output the .ics file on the server-side, and by enforcing these headers:
header('Content-type: text/calendar; charset=utf-8'); header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=cal.ics');
It was a painful restructuring, but now it works across browsers.