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Why Does My Array Populate on Rebuild But Not on Page Refresh?

I am using Vue 3 with Composition API, a Pinia store, TypeScript, SQL backend and Fetch to grab the data via my .NET 6 API.

I have a User.ts class

export default class User
    userName: string | null
    constructor (userName: string | null)
        this.userName = userName;

and I Fetch the data from the DB using the below method

      getAdminUsers(): void
        fetch(apiURL + 'AdminUser',
            "Accept": "application/json",
            "Content-Type": 'application/json'
        .then(response => 
            return response.json();
        .then(data =>
            this.$patch((state) =>
              state.adminUser = { userName: null};
              state.adminUsers = [];

            data.forEach((user: User) =>
              if (user.userName)
                this.adminUser = new User(user.userName.toUpperCase());

For all the other data in my app, I have had no issues. However, when I refresh the page, or try run the getAdminUsers method from anywhere in my Vue app, it returns an empty array.

[[Handler]]: Object
[[Target]]: Array(0)
length: 0
[[Prototype]]: Array(0)
[[IsRevoked]]: false

But when I make a tiny change to my app (such as add a space anywhere etc) and save>rebuild, the array is then populated with the correct data.

Proxy {0: User, 1: User}
[[Handler]]: Object
[[Target]]: Array(2)
0: User {userName: 'GEORGE.SMITHSON'}
1: User {userName: 'TEST.2'}
length: 2
[[Prototype]]: Array(0)
[[IsRevoked]]: false

I really don’t understand why it is happening and can’t get it to work correctly. Any help is greatly appreciated!



Hard to say since you do not include how you’re using the array. It definitely sounds as if your array is not reactive for some reason. That would explain why the array is not updating until a hot reload occurs. Are you perhaps assigning it to another variable? Is that variable also reactive? If you are assigning it should be something like this:

const adminStore = useAdminStore();
const adminUsers = computed(() => adminStore.adminUsers);
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