I have to call a function when within the dialog I press the confirm button with the index where the dialog has started. It always sends me the last index of the for loop and not the one that corresponds
I copy the part of the code to which I refer:
<ul v-for="s in sortedArray" :key="s.key" > {{s.key}} <v-col cols="12"> <v-card width="900" color=#ECF0F1 > <v-row> <v-col cols="12"> <v-card-title><b>{{s.nombre}}</b></v-card-title> </v-col> </v-row> <v-card-actions> <v-row justify="center"> <v-col cols="12" > <v-row justify="center"> <v-dialog v-model="dialogo_add_pr" persistent :retain-focus="false" max-width="600px"> <template v-slot:activator="{on,attrs}"> <v-btn dark color="green" v-bind="attrs" v-on="on" > <v-icon>mdi-plus</v-icon> </v-btn> </template> <v-card> <v-card-title> <span class="text-h5">Añadir producto a seccion</span> </v-card-title> <v-card-text> {{s.key}} <v-row> <v-col cols="12"> <v-select :items="productos" :item-text="'nombre'" :item-value="'key'" v-model="pr_ref" :menu-props="{ top: true, offsetY: true }" label="Producto" ></v-select> </v-col> </v-row> </v-card-text> <v-card-actions> <v-spacer></v-spacer> <v-btn text @click="cancela2" color="red"> Cancelar </v-btn> <v-btn text color="green" @click="addpr_seccion(pr_ref, s.key)" > Añadir </v-btn> </v-card-actions> </v-card> </v-dialog> </v-row> </v-col> <v-col cols="8"></v-col> <v-col col="2"> <v-btn dark color="red" @click="eliminar_seccion(s.key)"> Eliminar </v-btn> </v-col> <v-col col="2"> <v-btn dark color="blue" @click="editar_seccion(s.key)"> Editar </v-btn> </v-col> </v-row> </v-card-actions> </v-card> </v-col> </ul>
On line 57:
<v-btn text color="green" @click="addpr_seccion(pr_ref, s.key)" > Añadir </v-btn>
s.key must contain the index from where the dialog was launched, but it contains the last index of the for loop.
I have tried a thousand things and read stackoverflow from top to bottom and I can’t find it, I’m learning VUE on my own
I was finally able to figure it out. Take the dialog out of the for loop, I have created a variable that tells me which element is the last selected, to which I give value from the button of each element.