i have a couple of different styling that needs to apply to a text. I am trying to bind the styles using array syntax as shown in the documentation: https://v2.vuejs.org/v2/guide/class-and-style.html but not sure what i’m doing wrong.
I have created a pen for demonstration: https://codepen.io/anon/pen/orVGNP The computed property style is the one i am trying to apply as well which changes the font style and font weight.
<div id="colorpicker"> <v-layout justify-center> <v-flex class="ml-5"> <chrome-picker v-model="colors"></chrome-picker> </v-flex> <v-flex> <chrome-picker v-model="colors1"></chrome-picker> </v-flex> </v-layout> <v-container> <v-layout justify-center> <v-btn-toggle v-model="btnTgl" class="ma-2" multiple> <v-btn> <v-icon>format_bold</v-icon> </v-btn> <v-btn> <v-icon>format_italic</v-icon> </v-btn> <v-btn> <v-icon>format_underlined</v-icon> </v-btn> <v-btn> <v-icon>maximize</v-icon> </v-btn> </v-btn-toggle> <v-flex xs6 class="ml-5"> </v-flex> </v-layout> <div v-bind:style="[{ color: colors.hex, background:colors1.hex, style }]" class="title"> Random Test Text!!!!! </div> </v-container> </div> var Chrome = window.VueColor.Chrome; new Vue({ el: '#colorpicker', data: { message: 'hello', toggle_one: 0, colors: { "hex": "#000000", "source": "hex" }, colors1: { "hex": "#ffffff", "source": "hex" }, updateValue: '', hex: '', isOpen: false, btnTgl: [] }, components: { 'chrome-picker': Chrome }, computed: { style() { let style = {}; if (this.btnTgl.indexOf(0) > -1) { style.fontWeight = "bold"; } if (this.btnTgl.indexOf(1) > -1) { style.fontStyle = "italic"; } if (this.btnTgl.indexOf(2) > -1) { style.textDecoration = "underline"; } if (this.btnTgl.indexOf(3) > -1) { style.textDecoration = "line-through"; } return style; }, } });
Again it’s just the computed property that i’m having a hard time trying to include in the v-bind: style. thank you for the help everyone!!
You need to bind the style object differently.
<div :style="appliedStyle" class="title"> Random Test Text!!!!! </div>
var Chrome = window.VueColor.Chrome; new Vue({ el: '#colorpicker', data: { message: 'hello', toggle_one: 0, colors: { "hex": "#000000", "source": "hex" }, colors1: { "hex": "#ffffff", "source": "hex" }, updateValue: '', hex: '', isOpen: false, btnTgl: [], appliedStyle: {} }, components: { 'chrome-picker': Chrome }, methods: { toggle: function() { this.isOpen = !this.isOpen this.colors.source = 'hex' }, style() { let style = { 'color': this.colors.hex, 'background-color': this.colors1.hex, } if (this.btnTgl.indexOf(0) > -1) { style['font-weight'] = "bold"; } if (this.btnTgl.indexOf(1) > -1) { style['font-style'] = "italic"; } if (this.btnTgl.indexOf(2) > -1) { style['text-decoration'] = "underline"; } if (this.btnTgl.indexOf(3) > -1) { style['text-decoration'] = "line-through"; } this.appliedStyle = style; }, }, watch: { colors: function(val) { this.appliedStyle['color'] = val.hex; }, colors1: function(val) { this.appliedStyle['background-color'] = val.hex; }, btnTgl: function(val) { this.style() } } });