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Using import inside lib.d.ts for intellisense in Visual Studio Code

I have a set of custom global variables in my JavaScript project and I want to use VSCode intellisense to help me with auto completion like this:

auto completion for lol

After some googling I found a way to use lib.d.ts in the same directory as the script. If lib.d.ts doesn’t refer other files like this:

// "lib.d.ts" file
class Lol {
    f() : string;

declare const lol : Lol;

everything works fine. But when I try to move Lol class into a separate file the intellisense refuses to show the lol variable in my script file:

// "lol.d.ts" file
export default class Lol {
    f() : string;
// "lib.d.ts" file
import Lol from "./lol";

declare const lol : Lol;

Is there a way to fix this?



I think I found an answer. Despite scripts (declare style) can pollute global scope and can’t use import, modules can do both. Instead of using declare I switched to export global like this:

import Lol from "./lol";

declare global {
    const lol : Lol;