I have the following typescript errors in my project.. let me share a sample so you can see what am dealing with.
module CoreWeb { export class Controller implements IController { public $q; public $rootScope; public $scope:ng.IScope; public $state:ng.ui.IStateService; public $translate:ng.translate.ITranslateService; public appEvents; public commonValidationsService; public defaultPagingOptions = { currentPage: 1, pageSize: 10, totalServerItems: 0, maxSize: 5 }; public detailModelName:string; public filter:string; public listModelName:string; public mode; public modelDataService; public modelDefaultProperty:string; public ngDialog; public notificationsService; public pagingOptions:IPagingOptions; public selectionStatus:boolean; public serviceCreateFunction:string; public serviceGetAllCanceller:ng.IDeferred<any>; public serviceGetAllFunction:string; public serviceGetOneFunction:string; public serviceUpdateFunction:string; public showInactive:boolean; public tableAction:number; public tableActions:ITableAction[]; public titleDataFactory; public validationOptions; public validationRules; public orderBy = null; public orderType = null; constructor( $q:ng.IQService, $rootScope, $scope:ng.IScope, $state, $translate:ng.translate.ITranslateService, appEvents, commonValidationsService, detailModelName:string, listModelName:string, modelDataService, modelDefaultProperty:string, ngDialog, notificationsService, serviceCreateFunction:string, serviceGetAllFunction:string, serviceGetOneFunction:string, serviceUpdateFunction:string, titleDataFactory ) { this.$q = $q; this.$rootScope = $rootScope; this.$scope = $scope; this.$state = $state; this.$translate = $translate; this.appEvents = appEvents; this.commonValidationsService = commonValidationsService; this.detailModelName = detailModelName; this.listModelName = listModelName; this.modelDataService = modelDataService; this.modelDefaultProperty = modelDefaultProperty; this.ngDialog = ngDialog; this.notificationsService = notificationsService; this.serviceCreateFunction = serviceCreateFunction; this.serviceGetAllCanceller = $q.defer(); this.serviceGetAllFunction = serviceGetAllFunction; this.serviceGetOneFunction = serviceGetOneFunction; this.serviceUpdateFunction = serviceUpdateFunction; this.titleDataFactory = titleDataFactory; this.mode = $rootScope.modeEnum.none; this.pagingOptions = this.defaultPagingOptions; this.selectionStatus = false; this.showInactive = false; this.tableAction = null; this.tableActions = [ {id: 1, name: "Activate"}, {id: 2, name: "Deactivate"} ]; this.validationOptions = {showErrors: commonValidationsService.modes.property, showNotification: true}; this.activate(); }
This is the class that extends the controller class.. one among many others
declare var App: ng.IModule; module CoreWeb { export class EntityMasterController extends Controller { private currenciesDataSet; private entity: IEntityMasterModel; private merchandisingConstants; private typeAheadOptions; constructor( $q:ng.IQService, $rootScope, $scope:ng.IScope, $state, $translate:ng.translate.ITranslateService, appEvents, commonValidationsService, entityDataService, merchandisingConstants, ngDialog, notificationsService, titleDataFactory ) { this.merchandisingConstants = merchandisingConstants; super( $q, $rootScope, $scope, $state, $translate, appEvents, commonValidationsService, "entity", null, entityDataService, "name", ngDialog, notificationsService, "createEntity", "getCurrentEntity", "getEntity", "updateEntity", titleDataFactory ); }
Now, if I initialize the merchandisingConstants
before the super call like done above. I get the following error during gulp and my page does not display anything. A super
call must be the first statement in the constructor when a class contains initialized properties or has parameter properties. I have tried all ways I can think of to fix these errors any idea of how I can go about this?
When you extend a class, your constructor:
- Must call
- Must do that before it does anything else
In your instance, you just need to re-order things:
declare var App: ng.IModule; module CoreWeb { export class EntityMasterController extends Controller { private currenciesDataSet; private entity: IEntityMasterModel; private merchandisingConstants; private typeAheadOptions; constructor( $q:ng.IQService, $rootScope, $scope:ng.IScope, $state, $translate:ng.translate.ITranslateService, appEvents, commonValidationsService, entityDataService, merchandisingConstants, ngDialog, notificationsService, titleDataFactory ) { // Must be first super( $q, $rootScope, $scope, $state, $translate, appEvents, commonValidationsService, "entity", null, entityDataService, "name", ngDialog, notificationsService, "createEntity", "getCurrentEntity", "getEntity", "updateEntity", titleDataFactory ); this.merchandisingConstants = merchandisingConstants; }