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Turn 2 dimensional excel table to filtered dropdown

Can you help me figure out how to turn this table below into a filtered dropdown using reactjs. I need to filter the result by age ( let’s say the user is 33 years old) and show him the available options for his age group ( Capital to cover and monthly premium related to it ) then catch the data selected.

here is what I have accomplished so far:

1 – Turn the Excel table to CSV then using this website I changed it to JSON ARRAY. Here is a snippet of the result :


2 – calculate the Age from birthdate then connect a function to identify the category to which the user belongs to. Note what I call Index is the index of the list item ex: [“111.000 €”,”25 €”,”27 €”,”28 €”,”31 €”,”34 €” ] the list starts at 0 , 1, 2 … corresponding to the column on the excel sheet.


3- I Use forEach to get separate items from the main list and generate a new list with only the parameters matching the index value.


This is where I am hitting a little snag for some reason the state value only shows the last item ( it’s like the list is not getting populated )

Any thoughts?




Final view

On my second reading I realised what you wanted to archive.
Here is my solution.
Here is the environment.
