I have a bit of a problem. I am trying to loop through an object in order to create textboxes dynamically, rather than manually writing out the fields.
editedItem: { day: "", "9.00 - 10.00": "", "10.00 - 11.00": "", "11.00 - 12.00": "", "12.00 - 13.00": "", "13.00 - 14.00": "", "14.00 - 15.00": "", },
Then in the template.
<v-col cols="12" sm="6" md="4" v-for="item in editedItem" :key="item"> <v-text-field v-model="item"></v-text-field> </v-col>
That’s not working. I have also tried to loop through the keys (editedItem.keys), but I can’t seem to assign just “item” to the v-model.
You can think of the template behaving like this:
for (let i in editedItem) { let item = editedItem[i]; // On @input item = $event; }
It’s editing a copy. You can resolve the issue by referencing the v-model by index.
<v-col cols="12" sm="6" md="4" v-for="(item, index) in editedItem" :key="item"> <v-text-field v-model="editedItem[index]"></v-text-field> </v-col>