I want to get a text box to appear when a radio button is selected yes . This is what my code looks like;
Care of Address? <br> Yes<input type="radio" name="radio1" value="Yes" onClick="getResults(this)"> No<input type="radio" name="radio1" value="No" onclick="getResults(this)"> <div class="text"><p>Address Line 1 <input type="text" name="text1" id="text1" maxlength="30"></p></div> <div class="text"><p>Address Line 2 <input type="text" name="text2" id="text2" maxlength="30"></p></div> <div class="text"><p>Address Line 3 <input type="text" name="text3" id="text3" maxlength="30"></p></div> <div class="text"><p>Address Line 4 <input type="text" name="text4" id="text4" maxlength="30"></p></div> <div class="text"><p>Postcode <input type="text" name="text5" id="text5" maxlength="30"></p></div> <script> (document).ready(function() { (".text").hide() }); function getResults(elem) { elem.checked && elem.value == "Yes" ? (".text").show() : (".text").hide(); }; </script>
Can anyone help me
Try this:
function ShowHideDiv() { var chkYes = document.getElementById("chkYes"); var dvtext = document.getElementById("dvtext"); dvtext.style.display = chkYes.checked ? "block" : "none"; }
<label for="chkYes"> <input type="radio" id="chkYes" name="chk" onclick="ShowHideDiv()" /> Yes </label> <label for="chkNo"> <input type="radio" id="chkNo" name="chk" onclick="ShowHideDiv()" /> No </label> <div id="dvtext" style="display: none"> Text Box: <input type="text" id="txtBox" /> </div>