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Tag: vuejs3

How to display Data from PocketBase to VueJS 3

Good day! How do I display all data from PocketBase to VueJS 3 Still new to Vue, Idk why it displays only one data. Tried using v-for but it causes render errors. Any solutions to this? Thank you. Answer With you are overwriting post, so at the end you have one value. Try like: and then use v-for to show

How to clear/reset mocks in Vitest

I have a simple composable useRoles which I need to test My approach of testing it is the following And useStore is just a simple function that I intended to mock The first test runs successfully, it has all the mock values I implemented but the problem is that it’s not resetting for each test (not resetting at all). The

Vue v-for and variable logic unclear

trying to code a chatPage from a tutorial, the tutorial was releases in vue 2.0 and now i wanna use the new vue 3.0 version. I have a messageContainer which will display the chatMessages. it has the messages as an array and it should loop over them and display each one as a messageItem. Yet, the syntax with the v-for

Vue 3: wrap all items within a slot with a custom component by using a render function

I am trying to build my own sortable component. I want to pass a list of items to it’s default slot. The sortable component should then wrap all passed items with a custom v-draggable component. Now withn my v-sortable component I am trying to wrap all given nodes within default slot with a custom v-draggable component. My v-sortable component looks

Cannot pass a personilized header with axios

I hava an application doing a CRUD, but when i try to use the method delete, i keep getting a 406 (Not Acceptable), I’m using an API formated in json_api, so i need personalized headers, in all other methods its working, but only delete not. My axios.js My headers.js And my editUnit.vue The code referent to the delete method is
