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Tag: vue.js

PrimeVue ConfirmDialog Opens Multiple Times

I have a <ConfirmDialog> component from PrimeVue that works as it should, except for the fact that it opens multiple times when activated; for reference, I do the component multiple times throughout, some of the ConfirmDialogs only open once, most of them open twice usually. When accepting or rejecting the dialog, they all close instantly, however, when pressing ‘X’ at

Pug render 2 templates in the same row

Is there a way to render these 2 templates in one line in Pug? I have been trying with adding span or moving the code around but not able to fix it yet. This code renders but in 2 rows, I essentially want this code in one row. Any ideas are helpful! Thanks 🙂 Answer I actually figured this with

How to use VueRouter in Chrome Extension

I’ve been making a chrome extension with Vue 3 + VueRouter. With the router.push functionality I was trying to change router-view content to a different component, meaning showing a different UI to users. However, no matter what methods I use, I just can’t change the view. So my App.vue has router-view and I have two components that I would like

Flip Card Component in VueJs 3

I want to achieve a Flip card component like the one here by developing a generic Vue Component, but I’m confused about how can I assign a whole face component (front/back) as a back or front face of the card, and how can I lock the flipping property (as an option), an example of the face (front/back) is: Can you

How to trigger wheel event on mobile

I’m trying to implement a new feature on my site, namely moving between form pages using the mouse wheel. I tried to use event “wheel” which perfectly works on desktop, however does not trigger on mobile (iphone – Safari and Chrome). I assume the mobile APIs of these browsers just do not support it, so I’m curious how to trigger

Difference between defineProps() and defineProps({ }) syntax?

Actually, I read someone code and they define props using defineProps<({})>() syntax and I research about it and didn’t find anything which helps me to understand about this syntax. How I Define Props How other developer define props I want to know what’s the difference between both syntax. Thanks in Advance I actually don’t know about two different syntax of

reuse same value of a function on a vue template

I have a situation that repeats a lot when im trying to get a value on the template from a function, this function recieves parameters from the template (for example the index of a v-for) and returns a result that is printed on the template, the problem is that I need to do this operations twice, and since the value
