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Tag: unit-testing

Jest Unit test + received undefined

I am using Jest as my unit test framework. I am trying to mock third part npm “request” and executed my test cases, but i am receiving and the test fails The following is my code: spec.js Ctrl.js Please share your ideas. Thanks in adavnce. Answer You don’t need to use await with the callback of, just choose one

Using Spies and Mocks on complex objects with Jest

I’m fairly new to testing and writing tests for a currently uncovered javaScript codebase using Jest. The code covers some niche use cases, as its conditionally injected and executed by the browser during page load. Anyway, I’m having issues mocking up custom objects. Here’s the function in question: As far as I understand, I need to mock both window.location.pathname to

Stubbing uuid with sinon

So I’m updating dependencies on my project and I’ve run into a snag… My unit tests were working perfectly with the below stub. However in the latest version of UUID, this seemingly has broken. Any suggestions on how to fix it? These are simplistic extracts from the code to illustrate the method I’m using to stub the functionality of uuid

Get tests running time with Jest

Is there any way to know how long my tests take without doing it programmatically with Jest? To be clear, I know that if I add a variable to get the current time before each test and then log this when my test completes I’ll get this information, but I want this automatically, maybe with some Jest configuration. Answer You

How to test es6 default values in jest

How do you test the given default parameter value in jest? An example having the module: Or abit more complicated function module. Answer Each expected result of the test case is specified by us, that is, we have set the expected result in advance, whether the result actually returned by the test code is consistent with the expected result, if

How to mock dispatch in vueJs testing

I am currently performing unit tests on my application as seen. But I have a problem. How to mock or exploit the dispatch of Vuex ? My method to test : My unit test : I have a error message : Dispatch is not a function. Why ? Do you help me please ? I don’t understand why I had
