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Tag: three.js

React JS changing words in spherical word cloud I have the above sandbox of a spherical word cloud consisting of random words – I’m trying to modify the code so rather than random words, the cloud can display words from a list of my choosing, for example let MyList = [‘React’, ‘Node’, ‘SQL’, ‘NoSQL’, ‘TDD’, ‘JavaScript’, ‘Python’, ‘Git’, ‘Excel’, ‘ReactNative’, ‘HTML’, ‘CSS’, ‘TypeScript’, ‘Java’, ‘Angular’, ‘Django’] I

Can lights be reused in three js?

Is it mandatory to specify three JS lights every time a 3d model is loaded? When rendering is done on software’s like Maya, there is a light and camera config that is done. Is there a way to export that as a part of OBJ file? If we can reuse the same light config, then the code can be generic

ThreeJS Match GLTF Model To Size Of Bounding Box

I want to scale the imported GLB Model to the same size a cube in my scene. It is needed to make sure that the model stays inside the shadow casting areas and is big enough to make the shadows visible. I ‘ve calculated the bounding Boxes of both objects already: and but now I do not know what to

THREE.js obj not loading in vue

I’m really confused about the way vue and THREE.js work together. I am using the exact same obj, once in a plain js environment – where it works perfectly fine – and once in vue.js, where the canvas stays empty and the dev console shows several warnings. The code I used in js is the exact same as in vue

Using an Object’s postion for an Event in AFrame

I’m trying to make a component that checks the current position of a sphere in an AFrame scene and when it hits a specific coordinate and when it does it fires an event (In example below it resets it to its default position): I’m not sure what format is returned when .getAttribute(“position”) is called so that may be why it’s
