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Tag: sorting

How can I sort this array in Discord.js?

I have an array, that looks like this(size changes): The first value is the member id, the second how many messages the user has. How can I sort the array, to get the first 10 members, sorted by their messages send? The code: Answer To sort an array by numbers, you can use the .sort() method with a compare function

Get All Variations from number of options

I have this array: I want to extract all variations from those options with all possible directions as string separated by comma and space , it should looks like: In my experiments I used the following method to get almost what I want, but not exact I appreciate if you could get more accurate results with minimum code. Answer You

Change position of arrow icon based on sort

Hi my sorting is done via the backend, I need to reflect it in the UI with React. I’m looking to achieve this: Arrow position is defaulted to pointing down when page loads (no sort is occurring at this stage) Click on Arrow this will point upwards sorting table results as ascending Click on Arrow again this will point downwards

Javascript – Loop through nested object

I have 1 array with multiple object and an object. How do i find and return the data matching that object. Here is an illustration of my code. This should return but it does not and not sure why. Can someone help? Answer You can’t use Array.includes for this purpose as you can’t compare two objects for equality (you will
