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Tag: select

<input type="text" assign id value to php string

I have a modal form to write employee working time stamp to an SQL database. I select the employee from a dropdown menĂ¹ and fill by javascript function the name and surname input box using the id tag. When I submit the form, the datas are written into the db using php. The problem is I’m not able to convert

show/hide section in wordpress with select values

I use Divi Theme in Wordpress. I have sections that I gave IDs. I have a select, and for each option value I use the sections IDs. I want show one section by changing the select option and hide the other section that is showed. Here is the select : Here is the javascript : Could you tell my why

Javascript to sort contents of select element

is there a quick way to sort the items of a select element? Or I have to resort to writing javascript? Please any ideas. Answer This will do the trick. Just pass it your select element a la: document.getElementById(‘lstALL’) when you need your list sorted.
