Looking for help in rounding the money to the nearest 0.05 in js language. Input & Expected Output: From: https://www.bnm.gov.my/misc/-/asset_publisher/2BOPbOBfILtL/content/frequently-asked-questions-faqs-on-rounding-mechanism Answer You could take an offset and take a multiple floored value. If you need zeroes at the end take .toFixed(2).
Tag: rounding
Can I safely use the Number type in javascript for calculations with 2 decimal places?
I know that certain numbers will get slight variations from their original value. Eg. 0.1 + 0.2 -> 0.30000000000000004. But if I do Math.round(0.30000000000000004 * 100) / 100, I will get the correct answer -> 0.3. I ran a Javascript test and found that the results will accurate at least up to 1e+10. Are there any caveats to doing this?
Round number to nearest .5 decimal
I’m looking for an output of 4.658227848101266 = 4.5 4.052117263843648 = 4.0 the closest I’ve gotten is but with this the number 4.658227848101266 = 4.8??? Answer
Javascript: Round up to the next multiple of 5
I need a utility function that takes in an integer value (ranging from 2 to 5 digits in length) that rounds up to the next multiple of 5 instead of the nearest multiple of 5. Here is what I got: When I run round5(32), it gives me 30, where I want 35. When I run round5(37), it gives me 35,
Round a number to nearest .25 in JavaScript
I want to convert all numbers to the nearest .25 So… Answer Here’s an implementation of what rslite said: