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Tag: responsive-design

Menu not shown on mobile device

At this site, on a mobile device, there should be a button in the left upper corner to show the menu. But it will not show. The javascript file that’s necessary for this, is uploaded and accessible. I probably forgot something, but can’t find what… Answer Screenshot of console It looks like you forget to load jQuery, what is necessary

What is making these subnavs expand?

I’m looking at and I can’t figure out what is making the subnavs expand. For example, hover over “Portfolio” and see the subnav expand. I’ve inspected all the elements around the nav items and I can’t find any CSS3 transition and I also can’t see Javascript adding any style attributes to the elements or adding any classes. Answer There

Visualize a nested JSON structure

Consider this JSON object : Obviously this is a nested data structure, and there are many records, in this example in the deepest level we have about 2000 records. what is the best way to visualize this in a responsive and interactive manner. I have already used the table, and it doesn’t look that interactive. I am looking for ideas

Hide or remove a div class at mobile viewport?

First and foremost, I am very aware of CSS media queries. My problem is this: When you have div classes stacked in one div; Example: And you want to remove “class2” @media (max-width: 768px) Creating an output of: …once the 768px threshold has been reached. So far I have come up with nothing other than this non-functional code: I am

Div Square, width size based on 100% height

I’m trying to make a responsive square with the width size based on the (100%) height of the element. I believe it’s impossible using only CSS. The square width should be equal to the height (100% of the large container. The large container is more than 100% of the screen). The ratio has to be width=height to keep the square.
