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Tag: removeeventlistener

Remove eventlistener

Help:-) How do i remove this listener? _handlePlay looks like this: i tried… and more desperately: but the listener wont leave the scene? I have the bind as I am in js and web component context /regards Answer The function you pass to removeEventListener needs to be the same function that you pass to addEventListener. bind creates a new function.

.removeEventListener(); by name or reference?

Say you have simple: Does removeEventListener remove a registered listener for click events named clickHandler or does it remove a registered listener for click events referencing the very same function that clickHandler references? Here they say: The event listener to be removed is identified using a combination of the event type, the event listener function itself, and various optional options

Remove EventListener defined in a class

I am trying to remove an eventListener but it looks like I miss something. Why is the following code not working, it doesn’t remove the event listener from the button. I also tried binding this to pass the scope, but that didn’t work either Answer Prototype methods as event handlers are a bit problematic, specifically when you need both, the
