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Tag: ref

ref is null Typescript + NextJS

I need to call methods from a custom child component inside the parent component. But unfortunately the ref to the child component (called CanvasUI) is always null. I don’t understand why as it seems to me that I have implemented everything correctly. This is my parent component And this is the CanvasUI component CanvasRef Interface I left out unimportant code

Assign ref dynamically inside concat in react render

I have an array of objects which I create on pressing the add button.The add handler function is as below. This create multiple EditContainer elements all of which share the same ref.How can I create refs like this on the fly for a dynamic array of Object which is a state Answer editContainerRefs.current will provide you the array of EditContainer

|React:useOutsideClick hook gives forwardRef warning message

From firebase I fetch data and map this data to be shown in cards, every card has edit component and CardComponent(edit component parent) which use ref provided from useHandleOpen custom hook Error message: Function components cannot be given refs. Attempts to access this ref will fail. Did you mean to use React.forwardRef()? Component where ref is in use Card component

How to insert properties and functions inside ref?

How can I insert properties and functions inside a ref? Like this example: Then I want to use the propertie loading and the function onTest that way: How can I do that? Answer You cannot set ref on functional components because they don’t have an instance. You may not use the ref attribute on function components because they don’t have
