I have this quite easy items where I normally loop over with map: The above code works fine, but as I learned, it is better do use FlatList in my components do render something in a loop. So I tried the following: The correct amount of items are rendered, but unfortunately, none of the props gets passed to the Child
Tag: reactjs
firebase react for each loop does not end
I want to get data from firebase real time database and push it in a react array but the snapshot does not end and loops forever Here is a link for better understanding. The loop should stop after the first iteration: link full code Answer Calling get retrieves a result only once, so if you get an endless loop it’s
React TypeScript select field does not display
I got useState with a list of strings (currencies symbols like “USD”, “EUR” etc.) And I need to display it into the select field, right now I’m using this: It says the bug is in {symbols.map((symbol) =>…, but I have no idea what to do with it. Full Error: Answer add return before <option value={symbol}>symbol</option> or delete {} wrapped outside
ReactJS counter or timer with Start or Stop Button
Need help to understand in useEffect, if I don’t put counter and timerCheck in useEffect dependency then what it will effect here. And if I put timerCheck dependency in useEffect then counter increasing 100 time faster Also how can i run this code without any error or warning code in codesandbox Answer Try not to declare unnecessary states. timerCheck state
Comparing two nested arrays of objects, and exclude the elements who match values by “id” into new array in JS
I have two arrays of objects, i need to match arr2 names to arr1 by matching id’s Answer You could create a Map from arr2, keyed by id and with as value the corresponding object. Then map arr1, looking up the object in the Map, both for the object itself and the children:
React native, the useEffect on a object state not working
Here is the code before the render So the state of HHDays stays null and the render shows an error on the frist {HHDays.allWeek.from} TypeError: null is not an object (evaluating ‘HHDays.allWeek’) Answer useEffect is called after the component was rendered. So when the code reaches that line the first time around, it tries to read null.from. Maybe you’d want
Screenshot of a tweet in ReactJS [closed]
Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations. Closed 7 months ago. Improve this question I need to create a screenshot of a tweet to then
React execute a function at varying time intervals [closed]
Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 7 months ago. Improve this question I have an API which returns a list of objects. Each of these objects have a field called timeOut which contains some time interval in
Can’t set DateTimePicker’s defaultValue to blank in React JS
I am new to react js. I currently have a web page with the a simple DateTimePicker (the datetimepicker i am using is from react-widgets/lib/). So the idea is I have a variable called myvalue. If it is NOT null, I set the defaultValue of DateTimePicker to myvalue, otherwise – I leave DateTimePicker’s default input value blank. If myvalue has
Nested Navigation in React Native not compiling
I’m new to nested navigation. I have tried to follow the principles here – however I am getting the error Couldn’t find a navigation object. Is your component inside NavigationContainer? I have brought the ‘Screens’ into the main App.js for ease of debugging and sharing code. Below is my code. I am trying to have a home screen with a