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Tag: reactjs

Why props is not being passed by history.push?

SignIn.js I am redirecting the page using history.push but with it i am also passing the “username” but this username i am not able to see it in the redirected page “ADMIN.JS”.Since the username user enter that username i want to see it in the redirected page. All other content in admin.js are visible but only {username} is not visible.

Create complex array from array in React

Thats the original array I have from backend and now I want to build something like this: So the chartDatasets will be datasets and the chartLabels will be labels.. I think this is pretty easy but I don’t know how I can do it. I’m saving the original array in state so.. Thanks Answer If you have to modify single

How to sum up data in the rendered component in react?

I want to sum up each multiplication of weights and repeats that belong to the same trained_at string. Currently I realize the “grouping” of dates by comparing the current date string with the previous date string in the render part of my component. In my code example that is fully working you can find a Sum here comment, where I

How to deal with objects waiting for fetch in Typescript

I’m moving from javascript to typescript, and this is an error that I encounter multiple times: In a component, I’m awaiting a fetch to return an object, and until that time, the component returns null. If the object is there, I will render some properties of the object: Typescript then throws an error Object is possibly ‘null’. TS2531 For a

How to override React Native Component?

Dear Friend I am trying to override a method in react native component, please let me know how I can achieve that. Answer There is no such a thing as component override as I know. But if you want to customize the component then you can wrap with with another component and you can use props for access the default

Page refreshes on subsequent submits

I’ve been trying to submit a file (image) and a quiz in a form. They both have separate buttons but the file button must be pressed first for the image path to be added to the question post data state. However, for some reason, the page refreshes after the 2nd or 3rd image upload. This only occurs when uploading the

How to handle two functions onClick

In my Class component App.jsx I have the following function: Which is being handled at render() when I click on a subcomponent inside a <div>, like so: On its turn, Position.jsx handles onClick(): But now I’d like to handle a second function when <div> is clicked, say: which I would pass, on its own, like so: How do I handle

How do I render a component for each object in an array?

I have a functional component. I have an array of objects. const talents = [{…}, {…}] I also return the following components: What I am trying to do is return the Accordion component for every object in the array. What ive tried so far. In the card component i ran a map() on the array: Nothing happens. I also tried

Framer Motion – stale custom value – changing the custom value doesn’t trigger an update

Using framer-motion, I have an issue where updating the object I pass on the custom prop to the motion.div variants doesn’t trigger the expected style change. I created the following sandbox in order to demonstrate the issue: My expectation is that when I toggle the theme – the circle’s on/off colors will immediately change based on the new theme.
