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Tag: react-intl

defaultLocale is not keeping default lang in Next.js i18n

I’m trying to make my default language in Next.js i18n but always is getting “En” as default language called like fallback. And I also get this error: Error: [@formatjs/intl Error MISSING_DATA] Missing locale data for locale: “sq” in Intl.NumberFormat. Using default locale: “en” as fallback Answer Next.js will automatically detect which locale the user prefers based on the Accept-Language header

How do I extract messages from multiple specific folders with FormatJS CLI?

I have /components/foo.js and /pages/bar.js, both are using <FormattedMessage /> with a different defaultMessage: If I run formatjs extract ‘components/**/*.js’ –out-file lang/en.json I only get messages from my components folder. If instead I use the path pages/**/*.js, I only get messages from my pages folder. Tried a few differente combinations without luck: (components,pages)/**/*.js (components&pages)/**/*.js (components|pages)/**/*.js !(node_modules)/**/*.js to compile everything except
