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Tag: powerbi-embedded

powerbi.embed() not returning Report type

I have succesfully embedded a report using a powerbi service: Now report is of type Embed and not Report as expected. Thus, no Report-specific functions are available (at least typescript-wise). What am i missing? EDIT: The report object is indeed an instance of the Report class, but the type is still Embed. Do i need to install additional typings for

PowerBI Embedded – Hide specific filters

My report of PowerBI have three types of filters hidden filters visible filters filters coming from drill-through From embedded I have the option to hide the filter panel if all the filters present are not visible and show the panel if at least one filter is visible i look at the following property for this But i can’t manage

How to auto generate embed token using javascript?

I am using powerbi embedded. I successfully embed a report into my application using javascript. But I have to update embedded token manually every time. Now I want to call rest API from my code so that token update automatically. How to call API from my code to generate token and how to update token when it’s going to expire?
