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Tag: owl-carousel

Bootstrap tabs inside Owl carousel

I’ve seen a lot of questions about placing an Owl carousel control inside a Bootstrap tab pane. For instance, Owl Carousel not working inside Bootstrap Tabs and Owl Carousel broken inside tab panel. I’d like to implement the opposite: to place Bootstrap tab panes inside a slide (div) within Owl carousel. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work: clicking on a button group

Issues with an Array.forEach [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: JavaScript: Difference between .forEach() and .map() (17 answers) map function not working in React (3 answers) Closed 22 days ago. Hope someone here would be able to help me out. I am trying to build an Owl-Carousel from an array of objects. but for some reason the array is not been recognized, would appreciate

Owl Carousel 2 – Getting Active Items

I have an Owl Carousel 2 that’s being generated by a WordPress theme and I’ve set up some custom scripts similar to this: This places the image caption of the middle image below the carousel in a full-width container. The issue I’m having is, when I assign the active items to activeEls – it’s grabbing the active items BEFORE the

owlcarousel – dots do not appear

I am working on a project and as my knowledge in javascript are very limited, I decided to use owlcarousel. everything was working fine but now I am facing a problem. I have set the dots to true but they do not appear. My work so far is the following: Please let me know how I can fix this issue

Fixing greyed-out .owl-carousel div

I’m making a call to get a page (getresult.php) through AJAX. The ID div in my index: My footer: The script for calling getresult in the footer: Now this is my page getresult: My problem is the carousel class doesn’t work. When I remove the class owl-carousel, I can see the pic. I have the CSS and the JS owl-carousel
