I’ve installed MongoDB and the compass as well and everything works just fine, when I try to connect mongo with my app.js I get a weird error. Could any of you tell me what the error means and what can I? Sorry about the links to the images, not allowed to embed images yet.. Thanks in advance Error enter image
Tag: nosql
mongoose – How can I set the role field with only predefined options
Here’s my user Schema : How can I make the role field as an array of two items -admin and manager, where the user can only choose between those two options? Answer Try using enum like so
Get access to the “current element” when traversing a mongoDB (mongoose) array
I have a mongoose model for a “social media like post” (called PostModel) that has this schema: I simply want to know the number of likes each comment got when querying for a post. This should not be as annoying and difficult as it is. I have spent more than 4 hours on this. What I have tried so far:
xslt node replace then ingest with javascript
I replace in memory XML node based on specific path before ingestion into NoSQL (marklogic) database. Input: /doc1.xml I replace the /before:image/before:DE/before:before value to a parameter value Xsl: Expected output: I try to parameterize my xsl, but got the error: Answer Why! Shouldn’t it have been
Query documents in firestore from an array of ID’s
I was wondering how I can query documents from a firestore collection from an array of ID’s? I only want the documents in the collection that are in the array of ID’s. I looked at another answer and think my approach is correct, however, I am getting an error. The error happens because the function is not finding any documents
MongoDb update with ElemMatch
I have a collection that has document structure like following: Mongo PlayGround As you can see, each document has basicDetails object and a tasks array. Each task contains some properties of its own and a subtasks array. I want to update subtasks’s description from ABC to XYZ where root level id is 1, task’id is 10 and subTasks.id =120 How
Not able to retrieve data from firebase firestore
I am saving data to firebase successfully But when i try to retrieve it firestore sends “No such document”. Trying to get the array of objects. Here is the db Edit: I found out that in order to access all documents you have to do it this way. It goes into the then block but then querySnapshot.forEach doesnt run Answer