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Tag: node.js

Multipart/form-data request to AWS Elastic Beanstalk returns status 500

I have an API in my web application that makes it possible for users to upload files (audio and images), and everything works perfectly fine when I use an npm module like multer or multiparty for the parsing of the files. However, when I run this application on AWS Elastic Beanstalk, any multipart/form-data request to the server fails. (Note: I

.find() returns undefined using JSON data, using node.js

I’m creating a server using node and want to output JSON data, when a specific ID is clicked. I’ve set up a dynamic URL which will pull the data from the clicked video using params and then compare it with the one from the JSON data, using .find() When I log out the “” I get the clicked ID. However,

Javascript serial queue using async?

I have the following code: When I run the code above I get this: To do that I referenced this link: Could someone help me understand why the “serial” nature of the queue is not respected here? I set concurrency to 1 when I created serialQueue but, it looks like the queue isn’t really serializing the execution of the

Error React createElement type is invalid expected a string for built-in components or a class function for composite components but got object

I am trying to change my client side rendered react app to be rendered on server side. I am using React with TypeScript. Here is the error: Here is my package.json dependencies: And here is my rendered.js class where the error seems to be triggered: And here is my index.tsx file: I’ve tried changing the imports of App.tsx although it

unable to use babel to run file

I’m trying to get more familiar with modern javascript and am following a tutorial. Early setup includes running a file from another file. I have a server.js file with a simple ‘import ‘./config’; command. As a test that repo setup is correct, I should be able to run ‘babel server.js’. But I keep returning the error shown below. How do
