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Tag: node.js

Having trouble writing form input to a seperate file in Javascript, Node.js, React.js, Next.js

I have been having a tough time writing form input to a seperate file in Javascript. I posted a repo with a demo I set up to show the problem I have been having! Feel free to take a look. The app works fine locally from both “next dev” and “next start” when I end up at a http://localhost:3000

Convert a string to an object and call a function

I want to store an object as a string, and then convert ot back to an object and call a method of this object. Answer If JSON.parse and JSON.stringify would allow a copy of methods, your code would be insecure and would have risks of people running arbitrary code on your server/computer since normally JSON string comes from external sources.

How to use node modules (i.e: Sentry) on html template files served from Golang (gin-gonic package)

TL;DR: I have a Golang application that, using gin-gonics package, renders a very simple HTML . Once launched in local, accessing to http://localhost:8080/login (the URL is an example), it will show the html page, with its divs, buttons, etc. The html content is retrieved from a “.tpl” file. Problem is that such html page must include a javascript script, that

Get user data in request.user using express and typescript

I’m trying to create a middleware to ensure the user is admin, but when I print request.customer, the result is undefined. This is what I’m doing: request.customer returns this: Property ‘customer’ does not exist on type ‘Request<ParamsDictionary, any, any, ParsedQs, Record<string, any>>’ So I declared the express namespace by adding the customer id, like this: I have no errors but

Button onsubmit() event is not working on react

I tried to coding the form submission code on ReactJS and Express,NodeJS but I got some problem with the onSubmit() event Everytime that I code <form onSubmit={loginUser}> the button won’t submit, can’t even click. But if I remove to <form>, the button can click normally I changed in to <input type=’submit’>Login</input> and the page has gone blank Here’s the code
