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Tag: mongoose

Getting Error while posting a request, ValidationError: TodoTask validation failed: user: Cast to ObjectId failed for value

i am getting an error while trying to post a todo to the database. ValidationError: TodoTask validation failed: user: Cast to ObjectId failed for value My function for posting the request : Schema is defined as : Answer Since the user property is defined as a ref you should just store the _id in it: When retrieving user’s information you will

Cast to string failed for value Error when submitting the form, using FileBase from React to convert the image

I have an error when i try to post this schema data into Form.js. Mongoose schema looks like this: Logic for creating post is like this: I’m uploading image as String and I’m converting image using base64 from React like this- When I try to submit form, I get error like – {“message”:”PostMessage validation failed: selectedFile: Cast to string failed

Looping Over And Array of Objects and Updating Each One

I’m trying to update objects inside an array based on specific conditions that I check using two functions. I couldn’t achieve this with the match feature available in mongoose. As you can see below, I’m trying to loop over the array of posts, send each post and check if it fulfills a condition, then update it using findOneAndUpdate. The functions
