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Tag: mongodb

invalid date printed

I am using moment from mongorc.js (reference: when executed this small snippet its printing “invalid date” But in Java: Prints Sun Nov 30 00:00:00 IST 2 Though may not be correct, I want not “Invalid date” to be printed. Where did I go wrong? Answer I have hard coded the date value and it worked:

I am trying to use populate in mongodb with nodejs, but values are not populating

listservices.model.js Services.model.js exports.findAll = (req, res) => { const services =; var condition = services ? { services: { $regex: new RegExp(services), $options: “i” } } : {}; Services.find(condition ).populate(‘servicescategories’) }; [{“_id”:”60a27c66d87174379c93d7b5″,”name”:”MY data name”,”closed”:false,”active”:false,”listservices”:”60a2606680405c41c05cf005″,”createdAt”:”2021-05-17T14:23:34.412Z”,”updatedAt”:”2021-05-17T14:23:34.412Z”,”__v”:0}] Answer You are trying to use different name in your controller, populate receives 4 parameters- path, selection(fields to be return) , condition, options (like {limit:10}):

Can’t upload picture to MongoDb from React frontend

I’m creating a tinder clone, I can create a user fine however I cant upload a picture. The error I get is ValidationError: User validation failed: pictures: Cast to embedded failed for value “‘picture'” at path “pictures”. I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. The post request seems to fire as excepted with the payload however its when I login

Ignore $in if empty array is provided

I have the following model: Note: interface matches the model exactly but i pasted this as its much shorter. I am using the following data to filter through this collection: What i want to achieve is to find every document and check if the corresponding array has at least one of the values from the array i sent via includeFilters.

Handling Mongoose Query Errors in Express.js

So let’s say I want to make a Mongoose query to a database, inside of an Express post route: My concern is the handleError function. I’m not quite sure what kind of errors could even happen in Mongoose since it’s just a simple query, but what should be included in the handleError function? And what response should I send to
