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Tag: mongodb

Conditional joins on collections using mongoose

I’m new to mongoDB, I am trying to achieve the following SQL query on it. but could not find anything useful so far. can anyone tell equivalent mongoose query what I got so far is following UPDATE I have following name and export scheme Answer You can use filter out objects included in resulting array using match but in the

Please help, I have a problem, My conditional didnt work with data I gained from mongoDB.find()

I have a problem, I code using javascript and I use mongodb or mongoose as the database. I have a little information about async / await I made a variable called “thread” to get data from mongoDB using const thread = await Threads.findOne({threadId}) the thread will have data: { “_id”: “6044d0d8940c3b2494ce135d”, “threadId”:”A001} After that I want to use the _id
