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Tag: mapping

Array of products arrange by category

I’m trying to arrange this array of products by categories. For now, I get the count of each category but I can’t figure out how to make this two dimension array output. This is my code for now: Answer You can group elements by reducing over the array using an object to store elements belonging to each category. To get

Write nested map function

I have an object like this: Expected output : And I already wrote a function like this: I can write another function to flatten the output of the code above, but is there any other way to write the code above into a more general function (not hardcoded) that can apply to any object? Answer You can use a recursive

How to dynamically populate list items in React

I’m setting up an image slider with thumbnail slider using this plugin in React.js: If I add the <li>s statically it works perfectly fine: However if I try to load the content dynamically, the inline styles that are dynamically calculated and added by the plugin code won’t be added to both ul and li elements (i.e width: 210px; margin-right:
