Guys this is the most complicated things that i’ve ever met. So, i have an array looks like this. I have an array that consist of Object that also consist of array who had items of name, and value. I wanted to extract the value from the array and merged it with the keys, and then group it into an
Tag: lodash
How do I check that the correct objects are being returned via a function (expect function returns [Function Anonymous])?
I have a function: Some data: I am currently trying to write some Jest unit tests for this, that tests if the function returns the correct resultant object after being sorted based off an attribute. The result of: sort(pets,attribute) is something like this: Is there a way I can do a expect to match the two objects snowy and quacky
Javascript – Deeply change property value inside array of objects?
I have an array of objects. Each object looks like this: The problem is that each object can have childNodes, and those childs can have also more childs… The property that I want to change is selected. This property defines wether the object is selected or not and therefore display a different className in the DOM. I have a function
How to count the no of occurences of a certain key in an array of object & append the count to each key’s value
How to count the no of occurences of the ‘value’ key in a object inside an array & append the count to each value if any. Here ‘a’ is the source data What i want to achieve is as following Answer
JavaScript object property containing dot [closed]
Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 8 months ago. Improve this question I am trying to order an array of objects with the lodash orderBy
Lodash to check object property on array elements
I want to use lodash to find a property of an object at a specific array element. Lets say I am hitting an api and getting response which sets it to the react state “personsDetails” (whose initial value was null), so now it becomes now when i want to access “name” property of 2nd object i do So is there
Lodash typescript – Combining multiple arrays into a single one and perform calculation on each
I have a Record<string, number[][]> and trying to perform calculation over these values. An example input: For each key, and for the specific year I want to do the following For this I have been playing around with lodash/fp. is there a way to somehow pass the inputs and iterate over them, and somehow get a callback function to get
How to deep clone object properties specified in array TS/JS
How to make a deep copy of an object properties specified in array. For instance i have an object {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3} And an array [“a”, “b”]. I want to deeply clone only the specified properties in object, so i need to get something like this {a: 1, b: 2}. Is there an easy way to do
I want to compares the difference between two objs but ignore some key
I’m using Lodash to compare two objects returned from Postman but I want to ignore the dynamic values (page_view and deletion.update_time). How can I do this? I’ve tried passing in the property names into omit but it’s not working… how can I resolve this issue? Thank you. Answer You need to specify this on the sub-object:
Shuffle multiple arrays in the same way but with Lodash
I’ve got two arrays I need to shuffle both arrays so that they come out the same way, ex: There’s a few posts on stackoverflow that shuffle arrays in the way I described –this one is pretty great– but none of them demonstrate how to shuffle two arrays using Lodash. The JavaScript methods library is known as weak, it has