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Tag: latitude-longitude

Lat/Long equation in Javascript

I am trying to find an equation for finding the lat/long point between two lat/long points in Javascript. It would work something like this. getMiddle(lat1, lng1, lat2, lng2) <= would return [lat3, lat3] halfway distance wise (going around the earth obviously). I found this: Link Date: 10/11/2001 at 11:41:08 From: Doctor Rick Subject: Re: Determining lat and long of a

How can I get city name from a latitude and longitude point?

Is there a way to get a city name from a latitude and longitude point using the google maps api for javascript? If so could I please see an example? Answer This is called Reverse Geocoding Documentation from Google: Sample Call to Google’s geocode Web Service:,-73.961452&sensor=true&key=YOUR_KEY
