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Tag: laravel

Access json data with Laravel and Inertia

I have a simple form with 1 input field and a submit button. All that does is get the user input, match it with an external API, and submit both records to the database. The response from the external API is JSON format, like this but I only want to retrieve the text field under choices This is stored in

Laravel Livewire Javascript data is not refreshed after component is re-rendered

I need support because my javascript data is not updating when the livewire component gets re-rendered. I use Fullcalendar in a livewire component In my class I have $this->dispatchBrowserEvent(‘contentChanged’); in the render method. When I update $events I see the updated data in the dump [1] but events [2] is not updated. The log [3] shows always the same events

Laravel maps markers are not displaying?

I am trying to get my google maps markers to display onto my laravel project, but none of the markers seem to be showing. I have done a dd() on places and it shows that it is getting information from the database. But for some reason none of the markers seem to be showing. With the controller: This is what

How to get multiple value from checkbox Table after selecting it and remove the value if check box is deselected using jquery

blade.file There are 5 five students. If I select 2nd and 3rd student with checkbox select (multi select).the selected student id should store in input field(id=student-id) as 2,3 If I unselect means value should removed. How I can do this method with help of Jquery or JavaScript. I tried 2 method but I didn’t get ? Answer Note that
